- Clear, translucent, semi-flexible fins*
- Thin, easy to trim seam flashing*
- Mouth and Gills cast in**
- Eye sockets recessed**
- Fins attached to the body (except pectoral)**
- Both sides good (pedestal or S-curve mounts)**
- All fins attached, trimmed, & feathered
- Seams finished & dressed (real scale detail)
- Eyes are set in
- Realistic replica teeth installed
- Start painting right out of the box!
- Save time and money.
*Available on All Replicas **Exclusively on Starfish Replicas | Starfish Replicas also available customer ready.
Contact us for details.
Pricing has changed to $8.50 per inch for out of the mold, $11.95 per inch for Paint Ready and $15.95 for customer ready fish (painted) one side or $17.95 for both sides
ReelAction STAR*FISH are designed to duplicate the way it seems most taxidermists prefer to do skin mounts of these particular fish. ReelAction STAR*FISH provide an open mouth (wide open on largemouth bass) with full interior detail. The gill covers are
flared out, with the gills cast in. The bodies have realistic curve, as do the fins! This helps to make them look like they’re on the move!
TruAction STAR*FISH are posed similarly to ReelAction, the big difference being the gills and mouths are not open as wide. The gill covers are not flared, but open just the right amount to see the gills inside.
LiteAction STAR*FISH are cast with closed (or very slightly open) mouth and gills. The bodies are only slightly curved. Some of the fins and tails have “ripple” built in to look like a fish at
rest. These are great for underwater dioramas, stringer mounts, etc.